DDW Basic Science Travel Awards
DDW will award up to 20 Basic Science Travel Awards to early career researchers for the 2025 meeting. Selected authors of basic science abstracts will receive a $1,000 grant to offset the costs of attending DDW.
Award recipients must:
- Currently be enrolled in a training program or within three years of completing their training as of the Feb. 19, 2025, application deadline.
- Be listed as the presenting author of a basic science abstract accepted for presentation at DDW 2025.
- Attend DDW 2025 and present their abstract in person at the San Diego Convention Center at the time and date specified in their abstract acceptance notification.

Start Your Application
Applications are now being accepted online through Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025. Notifications will be sent in early April.
Applications for Basic Science Travel Awards will be accepted beginning at 9 a.m. EST on Dec. 15, 2023, through 9 p.m. EST on Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024. Sign up for our email list to receive updates as they become available.
Application Requirements
The following materials are required as part of the application:
- Accepted DDW 2025 abstract listing the applicant as the presenting author.
- Current CV/resume.
- Letter of intent describing the applicant’s role in the research presented in the abstract, his or her interest in attending and presenting at DDW, and his or her plans for future research.
- Applicants are required to upload their abstract, CV, and letter of intent together as a single file. Files may be uploaded as PDFs or Word documents. Instructions on merging Word documents are available here.
- Name and contact information for a faculty sponsor.
Rules and Regulations
- There is no fee to submit an application.
- Applications must be received by 9 p.m. EST on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025. No extensions to this deadline will be granted.
- Applications must be submitted at the DDW 2025 abstract submission site. No emailed or faxed applications will be accepted.
- Authors applying for this award must have submitted an abstract by the Dec. 5 general submission deadline. Authors of late-breaking abstracts are not eligible to apply.
- Authors of abstracts selected for ePoster presentation will not be considered for this award.
- Applicants for the award are solely responsible for ensuring that they are listed as the presenting author of their abstract at the time of submission. No changes to abstract author strings will be accepted after the Dec. 5 abstract submission deadline.
- Only authors of basic or translational science abstracts will be considered for the award. Authors of clinical science abstracts will not be considered.
- Individuals may submit only one application. Individuals who submit more than one application will not be considered for an award.
- Only one abstract may be included per application. Applications that reference more than one abstract will not be considered.
- Award recipients are required to attend DDW 2025 in person to present their abstract.
- Previous award recipients are not eligible to apply.
Contact the DDW Program Team with questions about the award.
Sponsoring Society Grants and Awards
DDW’s sponsoring societies also have various grants available. Please see a list of DDW-related grants and awards below, and visit the respective society websites for more information: