DDW Monumental Research Alerts

DDW Monumental Research Alerts

Digestive Disease Week® 2018 provides video highlights of several studies presented during the meeting.

Listening to gut noises could improve diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome

What if doctors could diagnose a chronic gut condition by simply listening to the sounds the stomach makes as food passes through the body? A new study presented at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2018 looks at how artificial intelligence can be used to create new ways to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. 


What motivates people to donate their poop to medicine?

As fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) is being used to treat an increasing number of digestive diseases and demand for stool donors grows, researchers looked at what motivates people to donate their stool.


Experimental drug eases effects of gluten for celiac patients on gluten-free diet

New research highlights how an experimental new drug may allow celiac patients on a gluten-free diet to experience fewer gluten-triggered events resulting from accidental gluten exposure.


Blue dye tablet helps identify polyps during colonoscopy

Ingestion of a blue dye tablet during bowel prep for colonoscopy could be a significant advance in the early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC), according to new research.


Why is rectal cancer increasing among younger people?

Booking your first colonoscopy typically doesn’t happen until your 50s; however the incidence of CRC has been increasing in people under age 50. New research examines the risk factors that may be leading to the earlier onset of the disease.