Guidelines & License for Use of DDW Content

Digestive Disease Week® is protected by copyright, trademark, and/or other applicable laws. Any use of Digestive Disease Week®, including recordings and the development of derivative works, is prohibited. The name, logo and acronym of Digestive Disease Week® are the exclusive property of and are trademarked by DDW LLC. They may not be used in any way, for any purpose, or at any time (including but not limited to announcements, invitations, emails, Web publications, etc.) without the expressed written permission of DDW LLC.

  • DDW has set out the following core principles, which guide all licensing arrangements:
    All DDW licensing activities are to be consistent with its mission.
  • DDW will not be subject to influence by Companies in conceiving, developing, or carrying out its programs, products, and services.
  • DDW does not endorse or market, and the DDW brand will not be used in any manner that connotes endorsement or marketing of, third party drugs, devices, services or therapies used to diagnose, treat, monitor, manage or alleviate health conditions.
  • The DDW brand will not be used in any manner that may be derogatory to the title, content, or authors of the material or to DDW, including but not limited to an association with (i) conduct that is fraudulent or otherwise illegal; (ii) the use or abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs or (iii) hate speech or discrimination based on race, ethnic or religious heritage, nationality, gender, or sexual preference.
  • A DDW license does not create a partnership, joint venture, or similar relationship between DDW and any institution. This license is non-transferable, including by sale or sublicense.
  • A DDW license shall terminate automatically upon violation of any of its terms. In addition, DDW may terminate, or modify the terms of, this license in its discretion, generally or with respect to any particular institution.
  • Events must give attribution to DDW and its sponsoring societies. The following boilerplate must be displayed at the start of the event:
  • Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) is the largest international gathering of physicians, researchers and academics in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery. Jointly sponsored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), the meeting showcases more than 5,000 abstracts and hundreds of lectures on the latest advances in GI research, medicine and technology. More information can be found at


DDW welcomes opportunities to license content and trademarks consistent with these principles and the Licensing Standards that follow. A strong licensing program supports DDW’s mission of disseminating high-quality, credible gastroenterological research and educational information to health care professionals and people affected by gastroenterological issues worldwide. The purposes of these Licensing Standards are to promote transparency and independence in the licensing process and to streamline the process. To help in identifying and framing opportunities, commercial licensing is divided into four distinct types as described below. Each type covers both print and electronic media.

Unless otherwise specified, the term “DDW” in these Licensing Standards refers collectively to Digestive Disease Week, and all other affiliates of Digestive Disease Week.

DDW Product Sales

Organizations may license pre-existing products that have been independently developed by or for DDW (“DDW Products”*). DDW Products may not be modified, except through labeling, packaging, and placement options offered or approved by DDW. Permission is granted to the licensee for self-production of a product but, DDW retains copyright and trademark ownership in any DDW Products.

DDW Products in printed form retain the DDW design, packaging, and “look and feel.” Corporate names on the DDW Products (including covers, cases, and certificates) such as “courtesy of [company]” and disclosures required by law may appear on the packaging.

Corporate and/or product advertising may be located away from the DDW branding and in a manner that does not suggest DDW’s endorsement of the corporate advertiser’s goods or services. DDW must review and approve the placement and labeling of the DDW Product.

DDW Products in electronic form must be placed or distributed in a manner that identifies and delineates the DDW Product and that does not imply DDW endorsement of the licensee or any commercial entity, product, or therapy. DDW will provide a descriptive text and/or a stylized logo that the licensee will use to identify the licensed DDW Product. DDW must review and approve the placement and labeling of the DDW Product in the overall context of the licensee’s website or other vehicle.

Corporate and product advertising may be placed on web pages that contain DDW Products, including content directed to patients, with DDW’s prior review and approval and with disclaimers as required. Commercial product sales are subject to a license agreement or standard terms and conditions. There is no restriction on the type of licensee, but licensees and products will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Bulk purchase pricing or royalty fees apply.

*“DDW Products” include, without limitation, items such as printed or digital recordings as well as admittance rights such as livestream meeting registration. Any associated DDW trademark is part of the DDW Product.

Unbranded Content Licensing

Organizations may license DDW copyrighted content and apply their own branding, without any DDW name, logo, design, or other DDW branding. Content is attributed to DDW through a copyright legend and/or other citation approved by DDW. In addition, the content carries a disclaimer or other tagline as required by DDW. Content may appear with corporate names or logos, or otherwise be branded to the licensee. Content may appear with advertisements. DDW retains copyright ownership in licensed content.

In many cases, the licensee is permitted to translate, excerpt, or otherwise adapt the content, subject to applicable law and proper attribution and disclaimers. DDW generally does not review adapted content, including translated portions of DDW content mixed with non-DDW content. DDW generally does not hold copyright in the adapted content, including translated portions, but use of such adapted content is subject to a license to use DDW’s underlying content.

DDW does not allow translation or adaptation where there is concern about the overall meaning of the content being lost or changed, or where there is concern about the adapted content being construed as an endorsement by DDW. For these reasons, DDW generally does not permit excerpts or modifications of Digestive Disease Week presentations.

Samples of the content as used by licensee are provided to DDW by the licensee upon request. DDW reserves the right to withdraw the license if the content’s use, modification, or adaption is inconsistent with DDW’s mission or policies. Some content by its nature cannot be “unbranded” and is not eligible for this type of license.

Royalty fees apply. The licensee is solely responsible for expenses of producing any product with the licensed content.

Brand and Content Licensing

Organizations may license DDW copyrighted content accompanied by the DDW name, logo, design, or other branding, subject to DDW’s due diligence and quality control. The types of licensees that may be approved for brand and content licenses include medical publishers, education providers, and other entities that provide products and services that further the mission of DDW that have a strong track record of high-quality products. The licensee will not be a company (or corporate affiliate of a company) that manufactures or markets commercial GI products or devices, but these companies may provide support in the form of sponsorship and advertising.

Because the use of DDW trademarks carries an implication that DDW has approved or is associated with the product, DDW exercises quality control over products using licensed content and trademarks. In addition to staff review, DDW often appoints a DDW member as editor or reviewer of the product. The product and marketing materials are subject to DDW’s approval and periodic review and carry a trademark legend, copyright legend, disclaimer, and/or other tagline as directed by DDW. The product “look and feel” is essentially the same as those of the original DDW content.

Under some circumstances, with the editor’s or DDW staff’s oversight, the licensee may translate, modify, or otherwise adapt the content. DDW retains copyright ownership in the original content and adapted product, including translations. DDW content is clearly distinguishable from any non-DDW content in the product.

A full translated work, or a significant body of translated content that is essentially the same as the original in all other respects, will be reviewed under and follow the Licensing Standards for “Brand and Content Licensing.”

The product may carry the publisher’s and sponsors’ names and logos, so long as these are not prominently placed and are in compliance with DDW’s specifications. The product may carry advertisements that conform to DDW’s policies. DDW’s trademarks are placed in a manner that does not suggest DDW endorses a company, commercial product, or therapy. A DDW trademark is not placed near a product name, logo, or advertisement for any drugs, devices, services or therapies used to diagnose, treat, monitor, manage or alleviate health conditions.

DDW reserves the right to withdraw the license if the content’s quality, use, modification, adaption, or distribution is inconsistent with DDW’s mission, policies, or quality standards. Royalty fees apply. If the licensee secures sponsors, these sponsors will have no input in or influence over the selection, translation, or other adaptation of DDW content.

Use of Logos and Other Trademarks

DDW trademarks are only licensed in order denote or recognize a status conferred by DDW or its affiliates. A trademark license may be appropriate where the product or service meets members’ needs for tools to help improve the quality and effectiveness of patient care, as determined through DDW’s review process. Examples of potential situations in which an organization may license a DDW logo or trademark include but are not limited to:

  • DDW has recognized the organization’s educational or scientific publication or,
  • The organization’s product or service is compatible with DDW quality measures as determined through a review
  • The organization recognizes gastroenterologists who participate in DDW quality

Placement of the trademark or logo is reviewed and approved by DDW. Except as specifically licensed, the logo or other trademark is not placed in a manner that suggests DDW’s or its affiliates’ affiliation with or endorsement of any third-party product or service.  The trademark is never used to suggest endorsement or partnership with any third-party company that manufactures drugs, devices, services, or therapies used to diagnose, treat, monitor, manage, and alleviate health conditions, or with its products. The logo or other trademark is accompanied by a trademark legend, disclaimer, and/or another tagline as directed by DDW.

When using the term “DDW®” or “Digestive Disease Week®”, DDW’s trademark must be attributed as follows: Digestive Disease Week® and DDW® are registered trademarks of DDW LLC.

When the above criteria are met, DDW can help promote your program, or follow up recordings, on the DDW online education and events web page. Contact DDW Administration with questions or to submit for the website.

Use of Digestive Disease Week® Abstract Content

Electronic events and webinars featuring solely abstracts presented at Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) are permitted provided that the following criteria are met:

  • DDW had no influence on the selection of the abstracts and/or content included in this event. DDW LLC shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, consequential, or other damages in any way arising or resulting from the Event or the use of information or materials from DDW sessions by any institution. Should any claim or suit be brought against DDW LLC arising from an Event, the institution shall indemnify and hold DDW LLC harmless for any damages, liability, and costs, including attorney fees, suffered or incurred by DDW LLC in defense and satisfaction thereof.
  • Abstract content must be cited per publication in Gastroenterology or GIE.
  • Events may feature only abstract content presented at the current year’s DDW or beyond. The inclusion of abstracts or other content from previous DDW meetings is prohibited.
  • Use of DDW presentation materials, including but not limited to slide decks, ePosters, audiovisual files, or any other presentation content, is strictly prohibited.

Licensing fees apply to all licensed offerings. As consideration for entering into an Agreement with DDW, licensee shall pay DDW a licensing fee based on the amount of content hours required.

Contact Us

If you have questions about these Licensing Standards or would like to pursue a licensing opportunity, please contact [email protected].

These Licensing Standards do not constitute a license. Any use of DDW content or branding without permission is prohibited. All license arrangements described in these Licensing Standards require written license agreements and are subject to DDW’s agreement in its sole discretion. All licensees must use DDW content and trademarks in compliance with applicable law. DDW style guides apply to all trademark uses. DDW does not provide continuing medical education credit in connection with licensed products or programs, but local CME is permitted.

Some licensing opportunities may not fit entirely within what is outlined here. DDW reserves the right to waive certain standards or alter the terms of a standard licensing arrangement in its sole discretion and consistent with the core principles above. Trademark, content, and data licenses may also be incorporated within broader business transactions or affiliations, with their own terms and conditions. All special licensing arrangements are on a case-by-case basis and do not waive these Licensing Standards for prior or subsequent arrangements.