Poster Hall

It's All About Your Discovery

DDW advances the field from bench to bedside, showcasing the GI research that’s shaping the future of digestive disease care. The DDW Poster Hall provides a premier forum to present your research, learn what your colleagues are working on, exchange ideas and spark new possibilities for your own work. With close to 3,000 posters, this is where you can stay updated on the latest advancements and witness groundbreaking GI research.

Despite the size of the Poster Hall, a visit there is truly an interactive experience, and offers the opportunity to start one-on-one conversations and connect with your fellow attendees and researchers.

Abstracts selected for presentation at DDW 2024 by ASGE are available in a supplement to GIE: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Abstracts accepted by AASLD, AGA and SSAT, along with DDW Late-Breaking Abstracts, are available in Gastroenterology. Full-text poster abstracts are available at the DDW ePosters site.

It’s perfect timing to talk to people face-to-face about what we’re studying, elaborate on some next steps and hopefully get some new collaborations out of this.

Stefani Tica, MD, Washington University in St. Louis, DDW 2023 attendee

Scientific Sessions

DDW features around 425 original lecture sessions, presented in a variety of unique formats.

DDW Tracks

Customize Your Experience

Sessions and posters are organized by topic or theme using DDW Tracks.

Access DDW On Demand

All attendees can access all non-ticketed scientific sessions on demand through May 16, 2025.