Industry Supporter Policies

DDW Industry Supporter Policies

Both the in-person Exhibit Hall and the online directory are organized and managed by Digestive Disease Week® (DDW). By submitting an application, Industry Supporters agree to abide by all requirements of the policies and outlined terms. Together, the Industry Supporter application and Industry Supporter Policies form the agreement, which becomes binding and enforceable pursuant to its terms.

Each participant in DDW, for him/herself, their employees, consultants, and partners agree to abide by the Industry Supporter Policies. Industry Supporters must have one or more responsible individuals always present in their booth who are knowledgeable about the policies and the rules of the facility to ensure compliance.

Any matters not covered in the policies are subject to the interpretation of DDW Show Management and all supporters must abide by the decisions of Show Management. Industry supporters must comply with the policies set forth by Show Management. In addition to these policies, Industry Supporters are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the facility, city, state, and federal government in which DDW is taking place.

Show Management shall have full power to interpret, amend, and enforce these policies, provided Show Management advises participants of any amendments. Policies are subject to change. Industry Supporters will be notified in the monthly newsletter of any changes made to the DDW policies. 

Application, Eligibility, and Booth Space

Assignment and Eligibility

DDW assigns booth space based on the priority points system during the advance or on-site placement session. All applications received after the advance or on-site placement will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Prospective Industry Supporters will be reviewed by Show Management for suitability of products or services to the attendees. A completed application for booth space must be received before space will be assigned.

Eligibility to exhibit at DDW is determined solely by Show Management and generally restricted to companies directly related to the field of gastroenterology. Qualified participants must:

  • Have GI-related products or services and must be professional in nature
  • Have products and services consistent with at least one of DDW’s product categories.
  • Agree to comply with the DDW policies, including those policies that govern the submission of the application, and all policies adopted by DDW hereafter.

Industry Supporters are strictly prohibited from subletting, assigning, or appointing their booth space, or any part of their booth space. Industry Supporters may not permit any other party to show products other than those manufactured or handled by the contracting company, nor permit the solicitation of business by others within their space. No one other than the contracted company may solicit business from attendees or other participants within contracted booth space or aisles.

If DDW finds that an approved company misrepresented itself to gain approval to participate, DDW reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time. If DDW cancels a misrepresented company’s contract, the company is responsible for any fees due to DDW or its vendors at the time of cancellation. Rulings by Show Management in all instances are final.

Booth Types and Descriptions

All Industry Supporters must purchase booth space of sufficient size to accommodate their attendee volume to avoid congesting the aisles and disrupting neighboring booths. Attendee congestion in the aisles outside a booth is an indicator of the need for a larger booth, which may be required by Show Management for the Industry Supporter to participate in future DDW meetings.

Booth Types

Booth configurations may not be modified. Please see the Booth Diagrams section for visualizations of the booths and metric conversion tables.

In-Line Booth

A standard in-line booth is 10’ wide by 10’ deep, and 8’ high. All displays and counters in the front 5’ of the booth may only go up to 4’ in height. All displays in the back 5’ of the booth may only go up to 8’ in height. Please see the Booth Content and Regulations section for specific policies on audio-visual equipment, retail, and in-booth activities.

Perimeter Booth

DDW does not offer Perimeter booths.

Corner Booths

A corner booth is an in-line booth at the end of a series of in-line booths with access to two aisles. All guidelines for in-line booths apply (see above).

Island Booth

An island booth is any space open on all four sides. Island booths must be 20′ x 20′ or larger. The visual disadvantage created by a neighboring island booth should be no greater than that caused by an in-line booth. DDW does not allow island booths to be 30’ x 30’ or 40’ x 40’ unless Show Management specifically approves an exception.

What’s Included

All booths include:

  • Unlimited complimentary supporter badges for booth personnel.
  • Floor plan linking to supporter directory listing on the DDW website and Mobile App.
  • Daily cleaning of aisles.

In-line and Corner booths include:

  • 44” x 7” (1.1m x 0.2m) two-line company identification sign indicating your company name and booth number.
    • The company name is pulled directly from DDW’s floor management system.
    • It is the supporter’s responsibility to ensure this information is correct and updated no later than the above due date prior to the event’s start date.
    • Reprinting costs will be at the expense of the supporter.
  • 8’ back drape and two 3’ side drapes (corner and in-lines only).

All booths do not include:

  • Furniture of any kind (e.g., table, chair, waste basket)
  • Carpeting
  • Electrical

Order forms for booth carpeting and equipment will be included in the Service Manual.


The non-profit rate applies to groups that promote special interest causes. All groups are required to provide documentation of nonprofit status. Non-profit space may be limited due to facility space restraints.

  • U.S. organizations must be designated by the IRS as having 501(c)3, 501(c)4, or 501(c)6 status.
  • Organizations located outside the U.S. must have comparable designation.
  • Hospitals (and clinics) are eligible for a non-profit rate with documentation of non-profit status.

Any organization that intends to recruit a physician for a hospital, clinic, or group practice at DDW is not eligible for the non-profit status and will need to reserve space at the full rate. DDW’s four sponsoring societies, namely American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), and the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), are exempt from this provision.


Following Advanced Booth Selection, DDW will offer space on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve your space, please visit our Industry Supporter Booth Sales website. This will take you to our online application for you to request your booth space and complete and sign the DDW application and contract. All currently available booths can be viewed at any time on the DDW 2024 floor plan.

The signatory on the application shall be the industry supporter’s official representative, who certifies additional representatives and acts on behalf of the Industry Supporter for all negotiations and approvals.

Payments and Booth Changes

Payment Schedule

All applications will be reviewed by Show Management. After an Industry Supporter’s application is approved, the following applies:

Applications submitted before Nov. 6, 2023:

  • Full payment due Nov. 6, 2023:
    • 10 priority points will be awarded for full payment before this date.
  • Full payment not made before Nov. 6, 2023:
    • All secured opportunities will be released into general inventory and DDW reserves the right to resell.
    • Company will need to reapply to participate at DDW.

Applications submitted on or after Nov. 6, 2023:

  • Full payment is required before the booth space is assigned.
  • A confirmation email and copy of the executed contract in PDF format will be sent upon completion.
  • Application will expire if full payment is not received within 30 business days of submission. Any applications received after April 22, 2024, will need to pay by credit card or send a check, wire transfer, or ACH within five (5) business days of submission. If payment is not received during that time your application will expire and you will not be assigned a booth space.
  • Supporters who have not paid in full for ALL related activities will not be permitted to set up their booth space or participate in DDW.
Accepted Forms of Payment

Payments are accepted via check, credit card, money order, or wire transfer. Checks and money orders must be made out to Digestive Disease Week (see invoice for full payment instructions). Checks must be in U.S. dollars drawn from a U.S. bank. There will be a 3.5% convenience fee charged on all credit card transactions.

It is the supporter company’s responsibility to view your Industry Supporter Dashboard to access your invoice, make necessary changes to your contact and company information, and order additional sponsorships. After Show Management assigns your space, you will receive an email confirmation with your contract.


To cancel a booth, Industry Supporters must submit a Booth Cancellation Form. Cancelling a booth will result in the automatic cancellation of all registrations, all secured sponsorships, and any hotel rooms booked. This applies to all cancellations, including those resulting from the purchase of a supporter company.

Any supporter company canceling their booth will be charged a fee based on the following schedule:

  • Prior to Nov. 6, 2023:
    • No fee is due.
  • Between Nov. 6, 2023, and Jan. 5, 2024:
    • 50% of the total fee is due, regardless of whether the space is re-sold.
  • After Jan. 5, 2024:
    • 100% of the total fee is due, regardless of whether the space is re-sold.

Increasing/Descreasing Booth Space

If a supporter company wishes to increase or decrease the size of their booth, or change the location of their booth, they will need to reach out to their account manager for approval. Depending on when a supporter company is requesting a change to their booth size or location, reduction penalties may be applicable. Reduction penalties are based on the total square footage initially secured, not the square footage by which the space is reduced, and will be in addition to your new fee.

Any supporter changing their booth will be charged a penalty based on the following schedule:

  • Prior to Nov. 6, 2023:
    • No reduction penalty will be charged.
  • Between Nov. 6, 2023, and Jan. 5, 2024:
    • 50% of the cost of the original booth space due, in addition to 100% of the cost of the new booth space.
  • After Jan. 5, 2024:
    • 100% of the cost of the original booth space due, in addition to 100% of the cost of the new booth space.

Industry Supporters who change the size of their booth space are not guaranteed the originally assigned location and may be relocated.


DDW retains the exclusive right to revise the floor plan and/or relocate any assigned Industry Supporters as necessary. The supporter will be notified after the booth relocation. While every effort will be made to ensure that Industry Supporters have the best booth space possible, DDW does not guarantee that the Industry Supporter will not be placed next to a competitor.

Name Changes, Mergers, and Acquisitions

Industry Supporters undergoing a name change must inform DDW in writing of the change and submit appropriate legal documentation. Examples of appropriate documentation include official press releases, business licenses, or other documentation.

Existing Industry Supporters that merge with another company or are acquired by another company will maintain the highest number of priority points between the two companies as their new point total. Show Management must approve any name changes, mergers, and/or acquisitions, and these may result in a new application to be completed, new payment terms, relocation of booth space, and changes to online directory packages or eligibility to sponsor specific items.

Booth Content and Regulations

Every space should allow for the visibility of fellow supporters. To ensure that every participant has reasonable sight lines to the aisle, the following policies for booth construction have been adopted. All booth backgrounds must conform to the standards set by the International Association of Exhibitions and Events.

Attendee Giveaways, Contests, and/or Lotteries

Attendee giveaways, contests, and/or lotteries are permitted, provided that the Industry Supporter receives approval by DDW prior to the Event and the activity is consistent with the character of the meeting, gastroenterology, and its related fields.

Any gifts accepted by physicians individually should primarily entail a benefit to patients. Distribution of lanyards and conference bags is against DDW policy as these are exclusive sponsorship opportunities. DDW requires approval for giveaway items and companies must provide a picture sample to Show Management. For contests and/or lotteries, Industry Supporters are solely responsible for notifying any winners, and alcohol is not permitted as a prize. Further, Industry Supporters are responsible for any permits, occupational licenses, and city/state sales taxes, if applicable.

DDW reserves the right to restrict activities that it deems inappropriate or unprofessional.

Audio-Visual Equipment

Audio equipment must be positioned to face the inside of the booth and sound must be directed into the booth. Monitors for videotapes and films, presentations or any other visual system may be used, provided they are placed at least five feet (5’) from any of the edges of the booth for island booths and at least two feet (2’) from the front edge of the booth for inline/corner booths to prevent congestion in the aisles. Large video reproduction or digital information display screens should be positioned in such a way as to preclude viewing solely from aisles surrounding the booth.

Sound volume must not exceed 80 decibels or the facility’s limit, whichever is lower, when measured from the aisle immediately in front of the booth.

At the discretion of the DDW, those companies determined to be in violation of the audio-visual policy will be asked to reduce the sound level and/or to direct attendees within the parameters of the booth. After the first warning, if the sound level remains unchanged and/or aisle congestion persists, then electricity in the booth will be disconnected and the presentation terminated. Industry Supporter will not receive a refund for any disconnected services and will be responsible for any associated fees that come with disconnection.

Industry Supporters must include audio-visual plans with their booth drawings.

Biological Waste Disposal

The use of biological tissue, organs, or body parts must be pre-approved in writing by DDW prior to the show. Biological waste brought into the facility is the ultimate responsibility of the Industry Supporter. The Industry Supporter must adhere to all local and federal laws for transportation, storage, and disposal of their biological waste. All medical and biological waste must be disposed in accordance with the manner prescribed by guidelines of the designated city in which DDW is partaking and the Occupational Safety and Health Act and must be handled by a licensed medical waste transporter. The Industry Supporter is responsible for all disposal costs. Please reach out to your account manager if you need pre-approval for the use of biological tissue, organs, or body parts.

Booth Drawings

DDW requires all booths regardless of size and type to submit drawings, plans, or renderings of their booth to Show Management in a digital format. Industry Supporters with island booths must also submit adequate drawings, plans, or renderings of their booth to the fire marshal and the facility. To be considered adequate, booth drawings must include the following:

  • Top, side, and front orientation
  • Concept and construction renderings
  • All dimensions in inches or feet (including heights and applicable setbacks)
  • Supplemental lighting requests
  • Designated areas within the booth (i.e., presentation theater, food and beverage, meeting rooms)

If drawings or renderings do not include all of the above, Show Management will not be able to approve your plans. If booth drawings are not submitted by the deadline, DDW has the right to prohibit the construction of the booth. Any additional cost will be at the Industry Supporter’s expense.

Booth Equipment and Carpeting

Booth space does not come with carpet. DDW requires that all booth space be carpeted, and ordering carpet is the responsibility of the Industry Supporter. U.S. standard size (10’ × 10’) carpet may be ordered through the official General Service Contractor (GSC).

Show Management has the right to have the GSC place carpet in any booth space not carpeted by noon on Friday. Supporters will be responsible for payment to the GSC. Supporters are responsible for ordering specific equipment and supplies through official DDW vendors. Order forms for will be included in the Service Manual.

Distribution of Pharmaceutical Products

All sales, dispensing, and/or delivery of pharmaceutical products of any kind are strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in the immediate termination and closing of the offending booth. The Industry Supporter will also forego all money paid to DDW and all accrued priority points. It is at the sole discretion of DDW to prohibit participation in future DDW meetings by offending Industry Supporters.


Any supporter that wants to bring a drone(s) onto the show floor must submit approval to Show Management. Please defer to the rules of the facility with regard to limitations and safety procedures. If you are considering bringing a drone(s) onto the show floor, please reach out to your account manager.

Flashing Lights and Other Prohibited Items

The use of flashing lights, megaphones, loudspeakers or other noisy or undignified displays (i.e., excessive noise, heat, light, or pollution emanating from booths) is prohibited. Helium balloons, sand, glitter, confetti, popcorn, nuts in shells, fried foods (cooked in booth), live animals (except pre-approved booths and service animals for the physically impaired or disabled), or any other items that are prohibited at the facility, are not allowed. DDW reserves the right to add other prohibited items and to make the final decision.

Food and Beverage

Food and beverage must be served within the limits of the contracted space. All food and beverages, including alcohol, must be ordered through, and approved for distribution by, the official catering vendor. To control aisle congestion and reduce litter and spills, these policies must be observed:

  • Prior approval for alcoholic beverages is required from Show Management. Please reach out to your account manager for approval.
  • No popcorn machines, fried foods (cooked in booth), or nuts with shells may be served from any booth.
  • Adequate trash receptacles and porter/cleaning personnel must be provided by Industry Supporters. If Show Management deems that more porter/cleaning services are needed due to food and beverage in your specific booth all fees will be charged back to Industry Supporter.
  • No hospitality may interfere with the access to neighboring booths.

Hanging Signs and Banners

Hanging signs, banners, or other visual elements are only permitted over island booths. The maximum height permitted for hanging signs is 20′ at top. Height is measured from floor to top of sign. Truss and support cables may exceed 20’ but must be approved by Show Management.

  • Support structures, hanging signs and banners, trusses, and lighting elements may be limited based on the facility’s restrictions.
  • Support structures, hanging signs and banners, trusses, and lighting elements must be confined to the area above the booth. All structures must follow the facility’s and General Service Contractor’s policies and procedures.
  • No support structures, hanging signs and banners, trusses, and lighting elements are allowed outside the boundaries of the booth space.

Any lighting adjustments must be submitted with booth drawings and approved by Show Management.

In-Booth Presentations and Demonstrations

In-booth presentations and demonstrations, including live interviews, must be confined to the limits of the contracted space. The use of magicians, fortune-tellers, dancers, mimes, puppet shows, or other entertainment of this nature is prohibited unless a supporter has written permission from Show Management. The use of celebrities who are not routinely employed as spokespersons for the Industry Supporter is discouraged.

Supporters planning a live booth presentation must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Live booth presentations may take place during published Exhibit Hall hours only.
  • Live booth presentations must occur within the booth space. The activity must be set at least five feet (5’) from any of the edges of the booth for island booths and at least two feet (2’) from the front edge of the booth for inline/corner booths to prevent congestion in the aisles. Industry Supporters shall be responsible for the safety of all individuals participating in and/or viewing these activities.
  • The use of sound equipment in booths is permitted if the noise level does not disrupt the activities of neighboring Industry Supporters. Speakers and other sound devices must be positioned to direct sound inward (to be contained within the booth) rather than outward (toward aisles and other booths). Sound volume must not exceed 80 decibels or the facility’s limit, whichever is lower, when measured from the aisle immediately in front of the booth. If an Industry Supporter or an attendee is standing within ten feet of an Industry Supporter’s booth and cannot carry on a normal voice-level conversation, the noise source is too loud.
  • At the discretion of the DDW, those companies determined to be in violation of sound restrictions will be asked to reduce the sound level and/or to direct attendees within the parameters of the booth. After the first warning, if the sound level remains unchanged and/or aisle congestion persists, then electricity in the booth will be disconnected and the presentation terminated. Industry Supporter will not receive a refund for any disconnected services and will be responsible for any associated fees that come with disconnection.
  • No copyrighted music may be used unless the Industry Supporter has obtained written permission from the copyright owner for such use (see Music Licensing).
  • A proposal, including times and length of presentations and the proposed speakers and topics, must be submitted to Show Management for approval.
  • Non-profit organizations are not eligible for live booth productions regardless of the size of booth.
  • DDW reserves the right to discontinue and/or suspend any booth activity, demonstration, or presentation at any time at its sole discretion.
  • All booth activities, including lines for catering, should include plans to prevent attendees visiting their booth from congesting the aisles and disrupting neighboring booths. Congestion in the aisle is a safety hazard and monitored by the facility and local fire marshal. Attendee congestion in the aisles outside a booth is an indicator of the need for a larger booth, which may be required by Show Management for the Industry Supporter to participate in future DDWs.  Show Management may require the Industry Supporter to hire security to control any lines in the aisles at the Industry Supporter’s expense.

Lasers, X-Rays, Liquid Nitrogen, and Ultrasound

Use of lasers, compressed inert gases, and compressed liquids are subject to review and approval by the DDW and the facility. All requests must be received in writing and should state the nature of the process or equipment to be demonstrated, the quantity of equipment, proof of insurance, and how demonstrations will avoid hazards to people or nearby objects.

All requests for lasers, x-rays, liquid nitrogen, and ultrasound equipment must be submitted to your account manager for approval.

The operation of X-ray equipment and radiographic equipment is prohibited. Laser companies may not operate carbon dioxide, argon, helium-neon, or other types of lasers in a therapeutic or treatment mode without providing a suitable, enclosed space for demonstration and eye protection for those viewing and operating the laser. Large and prominent warning signs must be displayed advising viewers of laser use. The Industry Supporter must provide the needed personnel to ensure absolute safety for and control of viewers and operators. Sound volume from the operating of lasers outside the booth must not exceed 80 decibels or the facility’s limit, whichever is lower, when measured from the aisle immediately in front of the booth.

Demonstrations of ultrasound scanning devices on human models are allowed if the models are not injured by the ultrasound demonstrations, either in single or repeated applications, and there is no danger from ultrasound to booth personnel or surrounding booths or attendees.

Lead Retrieval

It is the sole responsibility of the Industry Supporter to purchase or secure lead retrieval through our approved vendor. Industry Supporters may conduct market research, promotional outreach, and business communication with the leads that are captured. Market research companies must identify who they are conducting market research for at the time of application.

Line-of-Sight Guidelines

Companies in island booths are required to comply with the line-of-sight guidelines. Backgrounds, displays, and structures can be up to 20’ in height. This applies to all components and properties of the booth, including fixtures, overhead and ground supported signs, etc. Supporters must comply with the following policies:

  • All island booths must have at least 25% clear see-through with an opening from floor to ceiling on all four sides. Island booths are subject to onsite review and required modification where necessary, at the Industry Supporter’s expense.
  • 20′-40’ wide island booths must maintain a 1′ setback of all booth structures 8′ in height, from the floor.
  • 50′-70’ wide island booths must maintain a 2′ setback of all booth structures 8′ in height, from the floor.
  • 80’+ wide island booths must maintain a 3′ setback of all booth structures 8′ in height, from the floor.
  • All equipment, demo products, presentation theaters, etc. must maintain at least a 5’ setback for all island booths and at least a 2’ setback for all inline/corner booths. This must be clearly outlined in your booth drawings.

DDW does not allow multi-level displays.

On-Site Service Desk

The On-Site Service Desk will be open during Exhibit Hall set-up, show dates, and move-out. Supporters may verify and adjust their requirements for installation, furniture, audio/visual and other auxiliary services at the On-Site Service Desk.

Retail Booths

Retail sales of goods by Industry Supporters must be requested and approved in writing by the DDW. To gain approval, please reach out to your account manager. Any Industry Supporter not providing DDW with advance written notice of the intent to conduct Retail Sales at DDW may have their booth closed by Show Management at any time. Supporters must purchase booth space of sufficient size to accommodate their customer volume. DDW reserves the right to require retail Industry Supporters to maintain a minimum booth size to ensure that all attendee interactions and commercial transactions occur within the boundaries of the booth. Attendees cannot stand in the aisles. If there are lines, Show Management may require the Industry Supporter to hire security to handle traffic in the aisleways.

Any type of booth can be involved in retail sales and the guidelines for each booth design type are applicable. Industry Supporters must follow all facility guidelines regarding cash and cash sales. If additional security is required to use cash, the Industry Supporter is responsible for obtaining the necessary security, as well as any associated fees.

All retail booths must follow the below:

  • All displays, tables, show cases, signs and booth materials must be placed at least five feet (5’) from any of the edges of the booth for island booths and at least two feet (2’) from the front edge of the booth for inline/corner booths. This set back requirement is the minimum distance required for submitted designs to ensure that all business is conducted within the booth space.
  • Design plans must include vehicle staging, hanging signs, rigging components, enclosed spaces, and any audio-visual systems (theaters, video screens, audio systems, etc.) included in the booth.

DDW also reserves the right to close retail booths if surrounding booths are disrupted by sales activity or at the discretion of DDW Show Management.

Sales Tax and Licenses

Retail sales Industry Supporters are responsible for all pertinent business licenses, certificates, sales permits, and taxes required by the city and state in which DDW is taking place.

Structural Intergrity

All booths should be designed and erected to withstand normal contact or vibration caused by neighboring supporters, hall laborers, or installation/dismantling equipment, such as forklifts. Booths should be able to withstand moderate wind effects that may occur in the Exhibit Hall when freight doors are open. Refer to local building codes that regulate temporary structures.

Industry supporters should ensure that any components such as tables, racks, or shelves are designed and installed properly to support the product or marketing materials. Booths visible from other levels or overhead must ensure the booth presents a finished look from above, enclosing cable, wood, and paint.

Vehicles on the Show Floor

Any supporter that wants to bring a vehicle on the show floor must submit approval to Show Management. Please defer to the rules of the facility with regard to safety procedures and process of load in and load out. Please reach out to your account manager if you are considering bringing a vehicle onto the show floor.

Exhibitor Appointed Contractors

Industry Supporters who plan to use a display house/service firm other than the General Service Contractor must notify Show Management via the Exhibitor Appointed Contractor (EAC) form. The display house/service firm must provide an original insurance certificate to Show Management.

Industry Supporters will be held responsible for their EACs and are required to communicate all DDW policies to them. EACs will only have access to the floor during move-in/out, not during the show.

Only those EACs that DDW was notified of and furnished a valid insurance certificate by the deadline, will be allowed access to the floor. All others will be denied. Please review the safety protocols as it pertains to labor for the facility. These are subject to change.

Insurance Requirements

If an Industry Supporter is using an EAC other than the General Service Contractor, each EAC must submit a certificate of insurance to Show Management. The insurance certificate will need to clearly state the name and address of the contractor, the name of the company they work for, and must list DDW Administration, 4930 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814 and Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mt Vernon Pl NW, Washington, DC 20001 as an additional insured. The certificate should reflect $1,000,000 liability coverage on an umbrella policy.

Contractors, Facilities, and Labor

Booth and Sponsorship Labor

Industry Supporters shall utilize proper authorized labor for the installation, dismantling, and operation of all exhibits and sponsorships in accordance with the official policies of Show Management, the official General Service Contractor (GSC), the facility, and all applicable state and local laws. When required by local union agreements binding DDW, the GSC, or the facility, Industry Supporters shall only employ union labor (made available through the applicable official contractor) for the installation, dismantling, and operation of all exhibits and sponsorships. Such requirements, if applicable, will be stated in the Service Manual.

All personnel from the GSC, Exhibitor Appointed Contractors (EACs), and the labor they hire must adhere to the security guidelines set by Show Management and the facility. This may include, but is not limited to, wearing an appropriate show badge or wrist band, possessing company or union photo identification, or obtaining an ID badge or wrist band from the facility.

Cleaning Services

DDW will provide cleaning service for all aisles. Cleaning service for individual booths should be ordered through the exclusive service provider for all vacuuming and porter services. Booths must be kept clean during Exhibit Hall hours. Debris must not collect on the floor or display area. Industry Supporters serving food and/or beverages must have adequate trash receptacles and porter/cleaning personnel to keep their activity from interfering with neighboring booths. DDW reserves the right to order cleaning services at the Industry Supporter’s expense for a booth if deemed necessary. Information on order cleaning services will be in the Service Manual.

Electricity and Plumbing

Information on Electricity and Plumbing will be supplied in the Service Manual.

Exhibit Rigging and Hanging Signs

Only the General Service Contractor and the facility are authorized to provide rigging service within the facility.

Rigging of exhibit components, trusses and hanging signs are only allowed above island booths. No hanging or rigging components can exceed the outer boundaries of the booth’s perimeter. Booth rigging components, including truss, lighting and signs, must conform to the rules, regulations, and limitations of the facility. Booth rigging designs must be submitted to DDW as part of the booth drawings.

Electrical service for hanging sign motors is not included with the rigging costs and must be ordered separately. Information concerning rigging, loading, and electrical can be found in the Service Manual. Be sure to include overhead service when placing your electrical order.

Freight/Material Handling

Access to the loading docks will be controlled by the General Service Contractor (GSC) to provide and maintain a safe and efficient move-in and move-out schedule. The GSC will provide and operate all material handling equipment with appropriate labor within the facility to move freight to and from trucks to the booths. All unloading, reloading, and handling of empty containers will be performed by GSC labor. Additional freight information can be found in the Service Manual.


Security guards will be stationed in the Exhibit Hall to provide general security for the overall exhibit area. Industry Supporters are responsible for safeguarding their material and equipment against theft. DDW, the General Service Contractor and the facility are not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to Industry Supporter property. More information on purchasing additional security can be found in the Service Manual.

Show Management recommends scheduling all meetings within the published show times. For security purposes, any meetings scheduled inside a booth space before or after published show times require Show Management approval. Supporters may be subject to additional security to hold these meetings if Show Management deems it necessary.

Service Manual

The Service Manual will be available online in January. Once it is available, Industry Supporters will be able to access the Service Manual through the Industry Supporter Portal. The Service Manual includes order forms for material handling, furnishings, carpet, additional drape, floral, audio/visual, catering, utilities, and lead retrieval.


Sponsorship Payment

All DDW Sponsorships will be billed at 100% upon selection and execution of the sponsorship contract. Payment is due no later than 30 days from the date of order. Failure to make full payment by this date will result in the item being placed back into inventory for another party to purchase and Industry Supporters will incur cancellation fees for the sponsorships based on the cancellation terms below. Invoices and payment information can be found in the Industry Supporter Dashboard.

Cancelling Sponsorships

Notification of sponsorship cancellations must be in writing. Any Industry Supporter canceling a sponsorship opportunity will be charged a fee based on the following schedule:

  • On or before Jan. 12, 2024:
    • 50% of the total sponsorship opportunity fee is due, regardless of whether the opportunity is re-sold.
  • After Jan. 12, 2024:
    • 100% of the total sponsorship opportunity fee is due, regardless of whether the opportunity is re-sold.
Sponsorship Artwork and Production

All sponsorship artworks must be approved by DDW. All sponsorship production information can be found on the DDW Envision Site. Final artwork upload instructions will be provided during the artwork approval process. All artwork submitted after the published deadline is subject to late/rush fees or will not be fulfilled. If the sponsorship can be fulfilled with late artwork, the fees will be billed after the current show is complete. DDW can provide estimates of late/rush fees, if requested, but cannot be held liable if the estimate provided is lower than the charged late/rush. If a sponsorship cannot be fulfilled due to late artwork, the partner/agency is responsible to pay the sponsorship fee at 100%.

DDW Name and Logo Usage

Content and use of the DDW Name and Logo:

  • The DDW logo may not be used in any promotions, advertisements, meeting materials or correspondences. Permission of the use of the Digestive Disease Week® (or DDW®) name in advertisements or promotions will be at the discretion of Show Management and can be approved or denied if DDW deems the use inappropriate. Please reach out to your account manager with any questions.
  • If approved to use DDW’s name or acronym, the registered trademark (®) must be present in superscript after the name or acronym. The registered trademark symbol (®) should be used upon the first instance within the document of the registered name. It should not be repeated thereafter unless the name appears in a headline or caption.

Sponsorships should contain:

  • Official Company Name – as listed in the booth contract.
  • Booth Number.
  • Correct Year of event, if applicable.
  • Content must be relevant to market products or services as long as the content remains consistent with the character of the meeting, gastroenterology and its related fields.
    • Show Management has the right to approve content or deem content not appropriate.
  • No grammatical, punctuation or spacing errors.
  • Make sure that dates, times, distances, etc. are in U.S. standard format.

If the sponsorship is for a Product Theater or Satellite Symposium:

  • Industry sponsors/supporters must be listed on all web and printed materials.
  • Web and printed materials must bear the following information: Sponsored by…, Supported by…, or coordinated by…
  • Advertisements, promotions, or invitations for Satellite Symposia must bear the following statement: “This program is not affiliated with Digestive Disease Week®.” This statement must appear on the cover/front page of any copy using at least a 12 pt font size.
  • Advertisements, promotions, or invitations for Product Theaters must bear the following statement: “The Product Theater content and views expressed therein are those of the sponsor and not of Digestive Disease Week®.” This statement must appear on the cover/front page of any copy using at least a 12 pt font size.

Off-Site Advertising

Show Management has established an advertising policy which applies to any property outside the facility to which all Industry Supporters must abide. This policy applies but is not limited to airports, hotels (including hotel room drops), transit, billboards, taxi/van wraps, and pedicabs.

DDW has established a two-mile facility radius off-site marketing policy. This policy is in place to protect DDW’s brand, show integrity, but more importantly protect our paid Industry Supporters from non-exhibiting companies encroaching on DDW’s event, education sessions or any other events happening throughout the week. DDW will continue to ensure the success of the event and continue to provide a first-class experience for our attendees, participants, and media.

Industry Supporters interested in advertising outside of the facility or at a host city airport are required to work with the official DDW vendor. DDW will work directly with the supporter and a third-party vendor on a collaborative solution that adheres to DDW’s off-site advertising policy and meets the goal of the supporters marketing plan.

Participants who do not abide by this policy will be subject to action outlined in the DDW Policies, under Violations.

Industry Supporter Programming

Product Theaters

Product Theaters are turnkey, 45-minute marketing presentations about a supporter’s products or services. These sessions do not offer CME credits; rather, they provide an opportunity for supporters to create a presentation centered on their products or services.

Satellite Symposia

Satellite Symposia are educational programs held before or after DDW scientific sessions and hosted by exhibiting companies or third-party companies. Some of these seminars offer CME credit to participants.

Ancillary Meetings

ICWs are events with up to 150 DDW attendees and are not planned nor sponsored by DDW or any of its sponsoring societies. These events are arranged by Industry Supporters, third-party planners, educational institutions, or other non-profit organizations during DDW. Companies not meeting these criteria are not allowed to host ancillary meetings within a ten-mile radius of the Facility.

  • $100 ($45 for non-profit organizations) administrative fee per meeting submission.
  • The submission fee is non-refundable. There is one administrative fee per meeting submission.
Meeting Space Submission
  • Space is not available at the facility.
  • All requests for space must be submitted to Show Management. To be eligible to host ICW events at official DDW hotels, local restaurants, or other venues within a ten-mile radius of the facility the event must be approved by Show Management. Since an event is in conjunction with DDW, across DDW’s dates, in the host city location, and solicits DDW attendees, it must follow the ICW event protocol.
  • All charges for the event are the responsibility of the function sponsor.
  • Events that include formal presentations, equipment demonstrations, procedural instructions, or continuing medical education (CME) are defined by Show Management as educational and therefore are considered a satellite symposium.
  • Priority will be given to those companies exhibiting at DDW, their third-party contractors, and certain non-profit groups requesting meeting space.
  • If your function is over 25 people, will include DDW attendees, educational programming, scientific presentations and/or product demonstrations, it cannot be held during DDW’s Scientific Session hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Changes to requests (e.g., date, time, number of attendees, etc.) must be made in writing and submitted to Emily Glass.
  • Marketing materials and invitations must follow DDW logo and usage guidelines.
Unapproved Functions

To maintain the integrity of the meeting for all attendees and Industry Supporters, the following enforcement policy will be enacted. Reported violations will be addressed by Show Management and DDW will require that the affiliate function be shut down. Violations of any of these rules could result in the loss of priority points for the supporting company.

Meeting Type Guidelines
Meeting TypeDescriptionEducational ProgrammingProduct DemosTime RestrictionsCME Offered
Committee MeetingsMeetings held by task forces, boards of universities or non-profit organizations. Limited to the members of the committee only.NONOUnrestricted with attendance numbers 25 and under. Over 25 people before 8:30 am and after 5:30 p.m.NO
Focus GroupsMeetings that target a specific group of attendees to obtain specific data. These events are always by invitation only and not open to all DDW attendees.NONOUnrestricted with attendance numbers 25 and under. Over 25 people before 8:30 a.m. and after 5:30 p.m.NO
Hospitality/Social EventsReceptions, meet and greet functions and dinners. These events are always by invitation only and not open to all DDW attendees.NONOAfter 5:30 p.m.NO
Investigator MeetingsMeetings that give investigators, prospective investigators, and industry representatives a chance to network and focus on institutional review board or regulatory agency approval protocol and must review or conduct results of a specific study, current clinical trial, or product. These events are always by invitation only and not open to all DDW attendees.NONOUnrestricted with attendance numbers 25 and under. Over 25 people before 8:30 a.m. and after 5:30 p.m.NO



Events that are strictly educational that may or may not offer CME credit.YESYESBefore 7:45 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m.YES
Staff/ Company MeetingsMeetings held by Industry Supporters and attendees and are internal EMPLOYEES only.NONOUnrestrictedNO
Outboarding and Suitcasing

To protect our valued participants our policies strictly prohibit solicitation. This includes outboarding and suitcasing by individuals, attendees, or companies who transact business within the facility, in an official DDW hotel guest room, hospitality suite, restaurant, club or any other public place of assembly and have not purchased a booth. These actions encourage attendees to leave the official event and are therefore detrimental to the overall success of DDW.

DDW policies also prohibit any individuals, attendees, or companies from scheduling an event that competes with an official event sanctioned and publicized by DDW. Competitive events seek to draw conference attendees away from official events sanctioned by DDW and are therefore detrimental to the success of the official event.

By suitcasing or outboarding an individual, attendee or company gains an unfair competitive advantage over DDW participants that have invested money and other resources to exhibit and deprives DDW of income used to support our initiatives which include keeping continuing education costs at a minimum for our attendees.

Those who violate this policy will be informed in written form:

  1. On the first violation, the individual’s registration file is marked, and a letter of explanation sent to the offender and his/her company they are associated with.
  2. The second offense results in a letter of reprimand, again to the individual and the company, stating that the individual offender cannot attend DDW for a period of 12 months.
  3. Third offenses result in a letter indicating that all representatives from that company may not attend DDW for 24 months unless extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated. DDW reserves the right to make the final judgment in such cases.
  4. DDW is responsible for informing the violators of the infraction and any penalties. Additionally, management maintains all marked registration records.

DDW has created an online reporting form to submit a report of any violations at DDW. DDW will respond to all submissions after investigating.

Exhibitor Conduct

Admission to the Exhibit Hall & Sessions

Industry Supporter badges have access to the Exhibit Hall only. Industry Supporters will have access to the Exhibit Hall from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. on official exhibit days. If an Industry Supporter wishes to attend any of the scientific sessions, they will need to upgrade their badge to an Industry Supporter Attendee. More registration information will become available in January. To register, please access the Industry Supporter Dashboard.

Children aged six months to 12 years old are NOT permitted in the Exhibit and Poster Halls. Infants under the age of six months are permitted in the hall if they are in a front/back child carrier. Strollers are NOT permitted in the Exhibit and Poster Halls.

Booth Permissions

No supporter may enter another supporter’s booth without permission. 

Booth Staffing

Booths must always be staffed during posted show hours. Companies that do not keep their booths staffed and operating during posted hours will be at risk of receiving a violation. 

Dress Code

Industry Supporter personnel and vendors/staff contracted by Industry Supporters must adhere to DDW’s business casual dress code for the duration of the event. Show Management shall be the sole arbiter of this policy and of any disagreements. The Industry Supporter shall abide by any decision relating to suitable attire made by Show Management.

Event Disruption
Participants may not intentionally interrupt the Event or use of any other online media that interfaces with the Event which might include, but not be limited to, sexualized language or imagery, inappropriate dialog, insults, political statements, or other content or communication outside of the character and purpose of DDW.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations

It is the responsibility of each participant to comply with FDA regulations. Please contact the Regulatory Affairs Department with any questions on Food and Drug Administration guidelines.

Food and Drug Administration
CDER Central Document Room:
FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
DDMAC 5901-B Ammendale Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
Phone: 301-796-1200
Fax: 301-796-9878
[email protected]

DDW is not responsible for monitoring or approving Industry Supporter product displays and advertising as it relates to FDA compliance. DDW will follow FDA instructions from official personnel at the meeting relating to correcting any violation of FDA policy by an Industry Supporter, including closing and removal of a booth from the Show

Health and Safety

DDW will follow local health and safety requirements in effect at the time of the meeting. Health and safety protocols are subject to change. All Health and Safety updates will be published on the DDW website.

Move In/Out

A targeted move-in schedule for DDW will be developed and distributed in the online Service Manual.

In the event that an Industry Supporter has not arrived on the Exhibit Hall floor by 12 p.m. on Friday and has not been granted pre-approval for late set-up, DDW reserves the right to use the vacant booth space as it sees fit, with no obligation to issue a refund. Any exhibit materials, either in the vacant booth or on the loading dock, for that booth space will be placed in storage at the Industry Supporter’s expense. Substitute booth space will be available at the discretion of DDW. The Industry Supporter is responsible for all fees associated with removing freight from storage property.

Dismantling and packing of exhibits will not be permitted before 4 p.m. on Tuesday. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in the forfeiture of priority points earned at the Show. All Industry Supporters must be completely dismantled and packed, all appropriate shipping paperwork filed at the On-Site Service Desk and carriers called by designated time outlined in the Service Manual. It is the Industry Supporter’s responsibility to arrange for exhibit material shipment, installation and return shipment. Any freight left on the Exhibit Hall floor without proper documentation after the last move out day will be shipped via the General Service Contractor at the Industry Supporter’s expense.


Any booth unoccupied by noon on Friday will be considered a “no-show.” Industry Supporters will be deemed to have canceled the booth space contract and will pay 100% of the total contracted space fee as liquidated damages to DDW. Failure to pay all cancellation fees will make the supporter ineligible to participate in future DDW’s until the full balance due has been paid. Priority points will not be awarded. All freight will be removed from the supporter’s space and returned to the loading dock at the supporter’s expense and Show Management will be free to assign the space to other exhibiting companies or utilize the space at its discretion. Should the supporter fail to make any payment by the specified dates outlined in the space application, contract, policies, and invoice, Show Management reserves the right to re-sell or reassign the space without any liability. This clause shall not be construed as affecting the obligation of the supporter to pay the full amount specified in its space application and contract.

If a supporter cancels or defaults on booth space or sponsorships, all badges, hotel rooms, and additional activities (including ancillary events, promotional opportunities, Product Theaters, Satellite Symposia, etc.) will be revoked and applicable cancellation fees will apply. Industry supporters that fail to occupy and furnish contracted space will be charged for the expenses incurred by DDW to cover the area and convert it to a lounge area.

Wearing Badges
Industry Supporters must always wear the official badge while in the facility. Adding a business card to the badge is not permitted. Anyone wearing an unofficial badge, the badge of another person, a badge with a business card or a badge defaced in any other way will be escorted from the Exhibit Hall and asked to surrender the badge.

Priority Points and Violations

Priority points are intended to serve as the basis for scheduling the assignment/selection of booth space. Industry Supporters who have accumulated the highest number of priority points are given first access to the available space. In the event of a tie, the supporter with the longest, year after year show participation will be given priority. Priority points may be subtracted from Industry Supporters for violations of the DDW policies. All decisions about the removal of points are at the sole discretion of DDW and will be explained in writing to the Industry Supporter.
Earning Priority Points
Your company will earn points by:
  • Continuous Supporter: Three (3) points for exhibiting at DDW each year.
  • Booth Space Points: One (1) point for every 100 square feet of booth space purchased.
  • Sponsorship via DDW: Two (2) points for every $2,000 spent on sponsorship opportunities that are secured through the Industry Supporter Dashboard.
  • Sponsorship via DDW Partners: One (1) point for every $2,000 spent on sponsorship opportunities secured through DDW Vendor Partners (EMC Outdoor, ARP Digital Media, etc.)
  • Product Theaters: Three (3) points for each timeslot secured.
  • Satellite Symposia: Six (6) points for every symposium secured.
    • If a symposium is secured via a medical education company or third party and has multiple supporters, the points will be split between the multiple supporting organizations.
  • Housing: Ten (10) points for securing your hotel accommodation through DDW, with a minimum of one room booked.
  • Supporter Survey: Ten (10) points for completed supporter survey.
    • If applicable for that year.
  • Timely Payments: Ten (10) points for paying 100% of total booth fee by the deadline.
  • Social Media Promotion: Two (2) points for every promotion on any social media platform. Supporters must complete to receive credit. If the form is not submitted, credit will not be given.
  • In-Conjunction With (ICW) Meetings: Five (5) points for securing your additional meeting space accommodations through the DDW ICW process.
  • Supporter Education: Five (5) points for attending DDW hosted or sponsored training/webinars.
  • Renewing Future Booth Space During Pre-Sales: Five (5) points will be awarded for renewing future space during pre-sales. (5 points per company, not per booth)  
  • Invite a Customer: Five (5) points for using the InGo Tool.

If an existing supporter purchases another exhibiting company, they will acquire that company’s priority points and the purchasing company’s new total will be the sum of both companies’ points. For example, if ABC, Inc. purchases XYZ, Inc. and ABC, Inc. accrued 20 points while XYZ, Inc. accrued 10 points, then ABC/XYZ, Inc.’s new point total is 30 points.

Violation of any of these Policies by the participant of his/her employees or agents shall at the option of DDW forfeit the Participant’s right to participate in the Event and such Participant shall forfeit all monies paid or due. Upon such violation, DDW may take possession of the space occupied by the Participant and may remove all persons and goods at the Participant’s risk. The Participant shall pay for all expenses and damages that DDW may incur thereby. The participant shall pay all expenses and damages that Show Management may thereby incur. Any violations of the following policies will result in the loss of priority points. All exhibiting companies and their third-party partners, and booth personnel are expected to comply with all policies set forth by Show Management. Any participating company that has been given a warning or notice of violation and has failed to take corrective action will be subject to penalties, as follows:

  • First Offense: Loss of points for the present event
  • Second Offense: Loss of half of points accumulated to date.
    • If you have not earned any priority points, then your points will start in the negative.
  • Third Offense: Loss of all remaining points accumulated to date.
    • If you have not earned any priority points, then your points will start in the negative.
  • Fourth Offense: Loss of eligibility to exhibit at DDW for up to three (3) years.

Press and Media

You can find our full media policies here.

Music Licensing

Show Management does not obtain any music license authorizing the performance of live or recorded music on the show’s premises. Industry Supporters hereby warrants and represents that no copyrighted music will be performed, live, or recorded, in any location to include: the show floor, conference rooms, or hospitality suites, during the show dates unless the supporter has obtained written permission from the copyright owner for such use. To obtain music licenses, please view ASCAP or BMI.

Should an Industry Supporter violate this policy, supporter agrees to indemnify, save, hold harmless, defend and bear all expenses as they are incurred by Show Management, AGA, AASLD, ASGE and/or SSAT, and their respective directors, officers, agents, employees, and each of them, from and against any and all claims, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses), demands, actions, and liabilities of every kind and character whatsoever with respect to the unauthorized use of copyrighted music.

Photography and Recording

By registering, attending and/or participating in the Event, Industry Supporters consent to and grant to DDW, the unrestricted, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, and transferable right and license to use and to distribute (both now and in the future) Participant’s image and/or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes (both live and on demand) of the Event.

Industry Supporters shall not photograph, record audio, or video any portions of the Event without the prior written consent of DDW. Industry Supporters may request permission in writing from DDW to photograph their own booth for internal marketing purposes only. Requests for photography can be made through the Photography/Videography Approval Form.

Use of DDW's Marks

Industry Supporters may not use DDW’s trademarks, logos, or other identifying marks in its advertising or promotional materials at any time. It may, however, make verbal or written reference to its participation at the Event in such marketing materials, only once, as approved by DDW. DDW may include Industry Supporters’ name and logo in any of its respective marketing and advertising materials for the Event.

Legal Terms

Americans with Disabilities Act
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, DDW will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. Please contact Show Management to make your arrangements. Industry Supporters shall be responsible for compliance within their assigned space and ensuring access to their booth.
Cancellation of Exposition
It is mutually agreed that in the event of cancellation of DDW due to fire, strikes, governmental regulations, or causes, which would prevent its scheduled opening or continuance, then and thereupon this agreement, will be terminated. The DDW Council shall determine an equitable basis for the refund of such portion of the exhibit fees as is possible after due consideration of expenditures and commitments already made.
Client Disputes
Show Management will not attempt to settle disputes between participants over issues such as trademark violations, sign copy and copyright violation claims. Show Management understands the sensitivity of these issues; however, it is the responsibility of the participant to receive prior approval from DDW for any product demonstration or presentation that may be questionable in nature, DDW reserves the right to order objectionable presentations discontinued unless or until a mutually agreeable presentation may be developed. The Industry Supporter waives any rights or claims of damages arising out of enforcement of this rule. Disputes should be handled through proper legal channels, according to the participating company’s policies, and Show Management should be notified immediately.
Data Use
Industry Supporters shall be responsible for compliance with applicable data protection laws protecting the personal data of Event attendees.
Force Majeure
Neither party shall be held responsible for delays or non-performance caused by activities or factors beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, war, weather, strikes, lockouts, fires, acts of God, terrorism, cancellation of the Event, or any other activities or factors beyond its control, whether similar or dissimilar to any of the foregoing. If the Event is cancelled pursuant to this provision, Participant shall be entitled to a refund of any fees paid. It shall not, however, be entitled to reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the Event.
GDPR/Privacy Policy

To the extent that DDW is subject to the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), Participant acknowledges that DDW is a data controller (having the meaning given in the GDPR), and to the extent that supporter processes personal data in a business context, it is also a data controller, and acknowledges its duties under the applicable legislation governing data protection. Industry Supporter understands that DDW has a legitimate interest in contacting the Supporter, using, and publishing Supporter data, and otherwise processing Supporter data. Information about how DDW processes personal data can be found here.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Maryland without regard to its conflict of laws principles. The parties hereby agree that any action arising out of this Agreement will be brought solely in any court located in Maryland. Both parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any such court.


Industry Supporter agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DDW, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries, parent, agents, and permitted assigns, and each of them, harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, expenses, and costs, including attorneys’ fees and court costs, arising directly or indirectly out of: (i) negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct; or (ii) material breach of any of the terms of this Agreement by Supporter, its employees, agents or contractors. The terms of this provision shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.


Industry Supporter shall maintain, at its own cost and expense, insurance coverage sufficient to cover its obligations and indemnifications hereunder.

Limitation of Liability



The Industry Supporter agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless DDW, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), the Facility, and general contractor from and against any and all demands, claims and damages to persons or property which arise out of, from or by any act or omission of supporter, his/her employees or agents or any charges imposed for violation of any law or ordinance by the supporter, his/her employees or agents. As well as to strictly comply with the applicable terms and conditions contained in this agreement between DDW, AASLD, AGA, ASGE and SSAT, against and from all loss, cost, damage, liability, or expense which arises out of, from or by any reason of any act or omission of supporter, his/her employees, or agents.

Protection of Property
DDW is not responsible or liable for any damage to or loss of any of the participants’ property other than to the extent caused directly by DDW’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.
Representations and Warranties

Industry Supporter represents and warrants that it is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing in its state/country/province of organization and has the full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and fulfill its obligations hereunder. Participant further represents and warrants that it will comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations, and laws applicable to its rights, actions, and obligations hereunder, including without limitation an obligation not to violate any: (i) intellectual property or other personal right of any individual or entity; (ii) applicable advertising or marketing law; or (iii) rules provided by DDW to Industry Supporter in connection with the Event. If Industry Supporter sells its product online during the Event, it represents and warrants that it will comply with all state and local sales permit and tax requirements.

Technology Use

Industry Supporters acknowledge that their use of technology during the Event is not guaranteed by DDW. DDW and its vendors will use their best efforts to communicate with Participants regarding devices to include camera, computers, mobile app capabilities in iOS and Android, audio settings and headset use, and stylus use in the online directory platform. In no event shall DDW be held liable for interruptions to internet access, power access, video camera access, or audio capabilities, nor of any similar interruptions to the Event platform for the duration of the posted Event website.

Booth Diagrams

In-Line Booths

10×10 Booth

Corner Booth

10×20 or Longer

Metric Conversion Table

The tables below show the metric conversions for all dimensions included in the policies above.

Feet (ft)Meters (m)
1 ft0.305 m
2 ft0.610 m
3 ft0.914 m
4 ft1.219 m
5 ft1.524 m
8 ft2.438 m
10 ft3.048 m
12 ft3.658 m
Feet (ft)Meters (m)
20 ft6.096 m
30 ft9.144 m
40 ft12.192 m
50 ft15.240 m
60 ft18.288 m
70 ft21.336 m
80 ft24.384 m
90 ft27.432 m
100 ft30.480 m

Contact Us

Account Managers
Tessa Ayala
Account Manager, 
Industry Sales and Operations
Industry Team
Kaitlin Lawrence
Director, Industry Sales and Operations
Chloe Stein
Coordinator, Industry Sales and Operations

Health and Safety

DDW is committed to providing a safe and productive event for all in-person attendees.

Industry Supporter Prospectus

The prospectus provides details you need to know to reserve your space at DDW 2025.

Exhibit Hall Floor Plan

Explore the show floor by searching and viewing different halls.