Clinical Research

It's All About Your Discovery

DDW 2024 advances the field from bench to bedside, showcasing the GI research that’s shaping the future of digestive disease care. Learn what your colleagues across the globe are working on, exchange ideas and spark new possibilities for your own work. This is the most comprehensive event in digestive health and where you’ll discover findings with the potential to revolutionize patient care and pave the way for new advancements in the field.

At DDW, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. A robust, self-driven program lets you take control of your curriculum, from unique session formats to opportunities for networking. Customize your DDW experience using DDW Tracks to filter sessions, posters and ePosters based on topical areas of interest. Choose how you want to be part of DDW. Attend in person in Washington, D.C. or join us online. 

I’m excited to share our research and what we’re doing with the greater audience at DDW. I’m also excited to learn about what others are studying and what others are researching.

Jennifer deBruyn, MD, University of Calgary 


educational DDW Tracks allow you to tailor your DDW experience to your unique interests.


of clinical researchers who attended DDW 2023 (in person) said they would attend DDW again.


poster presentations to choose from.

DDW 2024 Session Highlights

Check out the list below to see a sampling of DDW sessions that will be held for clinical researchers this year. 

Additional details can be found in the online DDW Preliminary Program.

Session Title Date Time
Combined Clinical and Translational Symposia: AASLD, AGA, ASGE and SSAT offer jointly sponsored symposia on topics of broad interest to DDW participants. Sessions include:
  • AI: The Next Frontier in Reshaping Practice
  • New Imaging and Interventions for Portal Hypertension and Portal Vein Thrombosis
Dates vary
Times vary
Landmark Endoscopy Trials in 2023
Sun, May 19
10–11:30 a.m.
The Future of Publishing: Insights from the Editors of Leading Medical Journals
Sun, May 19
4–5:30 p.m.
AGA Clinical Science Plenary
Mon, May 20
8–9:30 a.m.
New Knowledge and Pragmatic Guidance from Existing IBD Research: A Cochrane Symposia Demonstrating the Pitfalls and Promise of Network Meta-analyses to Inform Clinical Practice
Mon, May 20
10–11:30 a.m.
DDW Clinical Late-Breaking Abstract Plenary
Tues, May 21
10–11:30 a.m.
The Best of DDW 2023
Tues, May 21
4–5:30 p.m.

If you have novel research and weren’t able to meet the regular abstract submission deadline, you still have a chance to submit your findings. DDW will accept late-breaking abstracts from March 8 through March 15, 2023. Several of DDW’s sponsoring societies also have abstract-related grants and awards available. Learn more and apply now.

View past clinical science abstracts and posters from DDW 2022 using the DDW ePosters site.

Learn More About DDW

Read ePosters

ePosters takes DDW posters online. Access all full-text abstracts and digital posters (if submitted).

It's All About Your Connections

DDW creates an array of opportunities for you to meet and collaborate with your colleagues.

It's All About Your Path

Watch this video to learn more about what you can expect out of this year’s meeting.