Industry-Supported Programming

Beyond the Session Room: Product Theaters and Satellite Symposia

Were you unable to attend Satellite Symposia (SS) and Product Theaters (PT) at the 2024 meeting in person? Select presentations were recorded so you can catch up on new GI trends and products by watching them on demand below. 

SS are educational programs that take place before or after DDW scientific sessions; some may offer CME. PTs are marketing presentations from our industry supporters and do not offer CME.

Satellite Symposia

Product Theaters

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CME Credit & Certificate of Attendance

The DDW 2023 CME Claim site will be open May 6–Oct. 31, 2023. The same link will be used to generate a Certificate of Attendance.

Source the Latest Innovations

Discover the latest GI innovations in the Exhibit Hall and online Industry Supporter Directory.